Meet Your Principals
Message from Principal Jennie Whitaker
Welcome to Roosevelt Elementary School, the home of the Tigers, where every student is learning today to become the leaders of tomorrow! It is an honor to serve the FDR community and I look forward to another year of learning and growing. Our school mission is our guide to ensure the decisions we make are in the best interest of our school community.
Our mission at F.D. Roosevelt is to empower our culturally diverse TK -5 students to collaborate and be creative, conscientious and critical thinkers. Through purposeful, engaging, and reflective instruction, the staff will continually refine our practice to support the unique academic, social, and emotional needs of our students. We cultivate an environment in which a person’s character is as equally important as their academic success.
Our school believes in teaching our students to be great citizens by implementing PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support). PBIS focuses on teaching students behaviors that are appropriate at school, how to problem solve with peers, and work together collaboratively respecting each other’s opinions. Our school motto is taught throughout the year in order to ensure all students understand what our expectations are at FDR.
FDR students are: Responsible Learners, Own their actions, Act with Kindness, Remember to be a friend
FDR students ROAR!
FDR is a great school for your child and we welcome parent volunteers. There are many ways to be involved as a parent and I strongly encourage you to become active in the school community through: PTA, English Learner Advisory Council, School Site Council, assisting in the classroom, supervising games at recess or helping out with the ROAR cart.
I want to encourage you to have regular communication with your child’s teachers, talk to your child about what they are learning at school, and promote a healthy lifestyle by eating the school breakfast/lunch or sending your child with a healthy lunch. Regular school attendance is critical and I strongly encourage students to be at school on time every day and to be only absent in the case of a serious reason (fever, vomiting, flu, death in the family). Always send a note for absences.
Thank you for visiting our website and please continue to visit our website and at FDR. I am very proud of this school and I look forward to working with you throughout the year. At FDR, our students are learning today to become the leaders of tomorrow.
GO Tigers!